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Belief Code, Body Code & Emotion Code Session
On Special Offer now: $99 (Reg: $127.00)
Family and Friends 3 session Package: $274 (Reg: $350)
Emotion Code & Body Code Packages
6 Sessions: $514 (Reg: $660)
One client per 6 session package.
Reiki Rebalance Healing
20 minutes
Pets and Animals Emotion Code & Body Code Evaluation & Session
The True Love Resonating Relationship Program
Master the Love Connection! This comprehensive in depth Body Code Energy Healing Program is designed specifically to enhance your capacity for both the giving and the receiving.
Consisting of four main stages: Discover, Expose, Release and Heal. For couples wishing to improve their existing relationship or singles wishing to improve their relationships of all kinds. 6 Sessions: $700
The Financial Abundance Breakthrough Program
Devised by Dr. Bradley Nelson, this in depth Body Code Program is designed to detect, address and release ANY and ALL energy blocks to financial wealth and abundance. Find your 100% Abundance Mode! Eliminate Stagnation and Lack Modes. A fast paced Energy Healing Program, enabling The Law of Attraction to take place. 5 Sessions: $620
NEW! The Creating your Dream Life Program
Discover and manifest your Dream Home, Dream Relationship, Dream Career, Dream Body and Dream Everything:
• Gain more clarity about what you really want in all areas of life
• Set SMART goals for each life area
• Create the energetic vibration of what you want through visualization
• Identify the obstacles to success and work to overcome them by using The Emotion Code and The Body Code
• Retrain your brain to view stumbling blocks as potential communication about imbalances that can be released
• Help you to clear away blockages that may be preventing motivation, clarity, efficiency, attracting, receiving, and manifesting your dreams. $1000
Clear Flow Energy Program
Suffering is created when energy becomes 'stuck'. This ultimate Self Care Program is designed to banish all trapped stagnant energies and emotions that do not serve the Mind/Body and Spirit well. Issues like foggy head thinking, procrastination, self sabotage, depression, poor choices, addiction...whether through drugs, alcohol or food, work and exercise and all other forms of energy blocks from internal or external sources. All can be released using The Belief Code and The Body Code and the energy made clearer and happier. Includes nutrition and lifestyle recommendation. 3 sessions $490
Trauma, Anxiety & Stress Release Program
Post trauma, anxiety and stress are endemic these days. This program concentrates specifically on trauma energy releasing. Detect and release any excess Stress Hormone levels and their underlying cause. Explore and with The Belief Code, release Absorbed, Inherited or Past Trauma, Despair Anchors, trapped Grief and Memory Fields. Heart Wall detection and release and Reiki 'Spirit to Spirit' re connection with Divine Love Infusion. 2 Sessions: $250
Life Force Infusion. The Detox Energy Cleansing Program
Toxicity is everywhere and fundamentally necessary to remove in order to increase the ability of the body/mind to heal. Designed to explore and increase Life Force Energy and improve Immune System Energy levels. Gift yourself a Body Code healing boost for Immune System energy, Toxin/Pathogen energy clearing, particularly Medical, Pathogen and EMF toxicity energy. Includes personalized Nutrition protocols, Lifestyle recommendations and transformation through breath activation and other meditations. 2 Sessions: $250
Weight Release/Re-balancing Program
An in depth Program specially designed for identifying and removing physical, emotional and Spiritual cravings energies, enabling weight release. With Meditation, Nutrition and Lifestyle recommendations. Includes Belief Code, Body Code, Emotion Code and Reiki. 6 sessions: $700
The De-Clutter Program
Re vitalize yourself with this brand new Belief Code and Body Code Program that explores, identifies and releases the underlying emotions and energies that lead to holding onto clutter...emotional and mental clutter as well as outworn and useless physical things.
Free yourself up to enjoy life. Includes exploring and releasing craving and addictive tendencies. 3 Sessions. $360
Fertility Program, Female Clients
A Body Code Program specially designed to enhance fertility. $120 each. Includes The Belief Code, The Body Code, Emotion Code and Reiki.
Fertility Program, Male Clients
A Body Code Program specially designed to enhance male fertility. $120 each. Includes The Belief Code, The Body Code, The Emotion Code and Reiki.
F.R.E.E.D.O.M Program. Increase Higher Consciousness and Intuitive Awareness
Focus on and identify issues. Release the underlying energy causes. Enable the healing process. Evolve to ever higher awareness levels. Daily Meditation and Self Care. Observe with kindness and compassion. Manifest joyful presence with radiating love.
This 7 session course is designed to identify and release all energy blocks hindering higher consciousness evolvement, clearing the way. Uses The Belief Code, The Body Code and The Emotion Code. Includes Body Code Special Evaluations. 6 Sessions. Course Includes varied Meditation Instruction and Reiki with Chakra and Spirit Body cleansing. $1000.
View Newsletter for monthly discounts and special offers!
No time to do Sessions now? No problem. Buy now and use later. All Sessions and Programs valid for 1 year.
Note: Further 'Design For Life' Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code, Reiki Healing and Specialized Program Session purchases may be required. Energy healing progress varies for every client.
Belief Code, Body Code and Emotion Code
1 Session: $99
& pay for a Package or Program as listed.
With purchasing you confirm that you have read Disclaimer below.
For further payment options contact Nikki at
Your support and contributions will enable Design For Life Energy Healing to grow and expand, 'paying it forward' for healing others. Your generous donation will fund special offers and keep prices affordable. Thank you!
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DISCLAIMER: Releasing trapped emotions using The Emotion Code™, The Body Code ™, The Belief Code™, Reiki III, or any other type of Energy Healing practiced by Nikki Danby Twist, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information received is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a health care professional, nor is it meant to replace any medical treatments as ordered by any Physician, nor any other medical care you have been advised to seek by them. I further understand that these methods are not a replacement for any professional psycho-therapeutic or counseling sessions in the treatment of any mental health issues or disorders. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your health care provider. Energy Healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body's natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized s a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. The provider, Nikki Danby Twist, makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. No guarantee is made towards validity. All information given is confidential. Should a client wish to give a testimonial, all last names will be kept private. All Healing Session purchases are non-refundable.
Nikki Danby Twist CECP CBCP CBCP RIIIP GoldNDart&Design LLC 2014